What is Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)
MLM merchants operate distinctively from traditional retailers, relying on independent distributors for product marketing and sales. Operating without storefronts or e-commerce platforms, these distributors utilize personal websites and sales events. MLM’s structure involves recruiting distributors who earn commissions on their sales and a percentage of their recruits’ sales. Due to this model, many MLM companies face scrutiny, often being labeled as pyramid schemes. Traditional banks and merchant account providers categorize them as high-risk due to the industry’s history of fraudulent practices, such as misleading distributors into paying steep start-up fees for low-quality or non-existent services. Click here to learn the difference between a pyramid scheme and MLM business.
Why MLM merchants need to apply for a Merchant Account
Are you Eligible for an MLM Merchant Account?
IntegralPay tries to be as flexible as possible with our clients. We consider each application based on the circumstances of the business owner. You will receive fair treatment throughout the review process.
Do you have questions about our review process and merchant account eligibility requirements? If so, contact our team to have all your questions answered.
Supporting Documents Checklist
- Drivers License or Government Issued Photo ID
- Document showing Proof of Company Registration (Sole Proprietorship, LLC, ETC)
- Voided Check/Bank Letter
- 3 Months Bank Statements
- 3 Months Processing Statements (if available)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Fulfillment Agreement (if applicable)
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